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We're excited to share the ministry schedule for Pastors Victoria and Annette! We're still looking to capture photos of All Saints and Grace to add to our collage. If you have pictures please send them along to us. We look forward to worshipping together over the months ahead. ... See MoreSee Less

Were excited to share the ministry schedule for Pastors Victoria and Annette!  Were still looking to capture photos of All Saints and Grace to add to our collage.  If you have pictures please send them along to us.  We look forward to worshipping together over the months ahead.

Comment on Facebook

Thabk you for the post. It is very helpful

Thanks for posting this schedule. I was wondering how long the 9:00 services at St. Paul’s will be...1/2 hour or an hour?

Here is our February Worship Schedule for your reference. Please make note of the special service being held on February 16th at 10:30 AM in Lunenburg. ... See MoreSee Less

Here is our February Worship Schedule for your reference.  Please make note of the special service being held on February 16th at 10:30 AM in Lunenburg.Image attachment
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