Please join us in one of our weekly worship services in the new South Shore Lutheran Shared Ministry.

Feb. 2, 11:00 a.m. Pastor Victoria Featherson

Feb. 9, 9:00 a.m. Pastor Annette Smith

Feb. 16, 1030 a.m. no service at St. Paul’s but join us for the installation of both pastors at Zion, Lunenburg,

at 10:30 a.m.

Feb. 24, stay tuned for an update


Prayer & Praise Each Wednesday evening at 6:30.

Community Cafe:  Each Wednesday at 5:30p.m. .  Contact Tammy Crouse for more information.  902-212-2917

Roof 25 Shelter is now located in our church hall.  


Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday, March 9th.  Please have all team reports in to the office before February 3, 2025, so they can be printed and distributed 2 weeks prior to the meeting.


Regular Office hours:  Monday, Tuesday Thursday & Friday, 9:00 – 1:00 pm.

For pastoral care, contact the church office.